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translation and writing

I translate between Ancient Greek, Latin, and English. I was previously focused on fragmented poetry, and was interested in creating theory around translating fragments. I translated fragments as if they were full poems, honoring the way the preserved words resonate together to create what I think is destiny. My poetry collection, Geryon Variations/Thebais, translated fragments from Stesichorus' Geryoneis and Thebais. I love Geryon and these poems with such tenderness. This translation won the Rosalie Colie Prize for a thesis in Comparative Literature at Brown University. It was published by the Brown Classical Journal, and I am hoping to dedicate some time to publishing it in the world soon. Please feel free to contact me to see an excerpt. 


Now, I hope to translate the Cassandra scene in the Agamemnon. I see a lot of similarities between translation and theatremaking, and I've worked on translations on stage through the lens of sound, soundscapes, screams, and music. I love translating through devising, and vice versa. Translation and what translation means to me drives a lot of my work. As you can tell I love to talk about translation! Contact me to chat about it.


I also write poetry and essays, and edit the same. I also once found a lot of joy and creativity in academic writing - namely in literary criticism, writing about theory, and writing my own theory. This really informs my dramaturgical work. I was an editor at Science and Tech and Features at The College Hill Independent for two years while in college, and loved it. 

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